Appeal for testimonies and scientific publications for a preliminary investigation to a multidisciplinary colloquium.
Working Master: Association Two Hands For Tomorrow
Purpose :
The evolution of the human specie, multidisciplinary global view on the actual state of knowledge and contribution of the osteopathy into the comprehension of the efficient located process. Investigation on the causes of the mouthy /dental disharmony of the children to have better medical treatment, better reimbursement and have a better view on the evolution and consequences on the growth about the public health (prevention and correction of the posture’s troubles).
I chose this subject after the communication of Mrs Anne DAMBRICOURT-MALASSE (3), palaeontologist, in the symposium organised by the college of Osteopathy of Montpellier, “Osteopathy and Posturology”. She exposed us her investigations on the evolutional phenomenon of the flexion of the base of the skull resulting from the endocranian (neuronal) inherent to the evolution and certainly responsible of the bi-podia (phenomenon called “skull -facial contraction”). She did let the hypothesis of an actual mutation of our specie, which is coming to illustrate her talk by the important percentage of children having dental malocclusions (70%, investigation of the French Union for the Mouthy / Dental health).
I completed my preliminary investigation by discovering the work of the Doctor M.J.DESHAYE (4), Stomacologist doctor, and Founder member of the International teleskull club, which is evaluating the environmental degrees and parameters of the actual destabilization of the masticator system. As well, the work of M. Djillali HADJOUIS (5), Palaeontologist, who did the demonstration the beginning of this destabilization in the middle age.
Contribution of the Osteopathy :
On the principal bases of the osteopathy established by A.T STILL (6), the works of W.G SUTHERLAND (7) who discovered and defined the Primary Respiratory Movement in the holy-skull (about 12 cycles minute), we try to bring our contribution as osteopaths in the multidisciplinary reflection, in particular on the bio-dynamic skully concept, endogen manifestation of the evolution motor which we still have to discover the beginning point.
The 07/25/2000, when I appealed to Bernard DARAILLAN (1), he did this first important note “ there is no endogen process without an hexogen one and no hexogen process without an endogen one, because of one osteopathic principal, the law of the centre//periphery; there is always a reciprocity link tension”; it is this strength link which is maintaining the unstable balance necessary for the living and for the health. For sure, that’s a universal principle, all is a game between strength and strength in the universe …
So, there is endogen processes and hexogen processes which is playing on and participating to the choices of genetics mutations, on their number, moment and place they chose to create a new specie, without to ignore the inverse process which participate to the extinction of pre-human species.
If we are living since the middle age the beginning of the mutation (8), that’s certainly the new challenge for the humanity, the scientific world has to organize itself to do the interpretation of the inherent and non-inherent processes that can be expressed by different way and stray from the apparently point: that’s why we appealing to all the fields possible the ones from inside as the ones from outside: this list doesn’t have limit.
1 - “ Inside” field: Anthropology, biology, embryology, histology, genetic, orthodontic, orthopaedic dental – maxillae -facial, speech therapy, orthopty, palaeontology, pediatrician.
2 - “Outside” field: Astrophysics, ecology, ethnology, geology, history of the civilisations, semiotic, sociology, theology, and volcanist.
3 - “Interface” field: acupuncture, osteopathy, obstetric, philosophy, physic, posturology, psychiatric, psychology of the companies, statistics.Some examples, in :
About the non-inherent process, which was the hegemonic field since the discovering of Lucy, the bi-podia of the Australopithecus in Africa can’t have his explanation anymore in the disappearance of the tree in one part of the continent. In fact those Australopithecus were found in forestry region and above all the endogen process of the contraction of the skull’s base, described by Madam A.DAMBRICOURT-MALASSE cause a moving of the occipital hole, an evolution of the posture, and, inexorably the advent of the bi-podia.
ASTROPHYSIC: Il nen reste pas moins When the earth changed a little beat its orbit going a beat more far away from the sun between 3,3 and 2,3 millions of years, it provoked a refreshing of the planet. Yves COPPENS located visually a hundred species that changed their dentitions for the best adaptation possible to the vegetation, immerging from the new climate coming at this time.
It corresponds to the apparition of the HOMO kind, too. The environmental pressure could cause a mutation and the natural selection could choose among the diversity of the pre-existents information in the genetics programs of the different species the one who will do the best adaptation.
In this field, the challenge is to know if at the origin of the skull -facial system’s destabilization or, since the middle age, changing were located in the solar system: event which could participate to the mutation?
“The double game of a thermal impact protein” (10) HSP90 reveals a molecular mechanism which could explain a two speed evolution: when it is all right, the HSP90 has a role of buffer on the evolution by a mechanism showing a slow evolution on long periods and in front of emergency situation (thermal impact for example) the fast modifications are absolutely indispensable. HSP90 takes its role of anti-stress protein, it doesn’t insure his role of buffer and the “silently mutations” express themselves, demonstrating the genetic variability, hidden, up until then. A chance exists among the descendants; there is an individual with a better adaptation, which could give the guarantee of the specie surviving.
Events as this one explain, maybe, the “major evolutional steps” that the global evolution is punctuated by, that gave birth to the alive descendants and gave form to the actual diversity in biology.
More globally we’ll try to confront and have a better approach of those theories: the evolutionists speak about the variations in the place that the searchers emit the hypothesis of a current mutation in our specie.
What is still an enigma is the program which is causing and amplifying the skull-facial (11) which is occurring in the primates since 60 millions years until the Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This manifestation is situated in the development of the embryo at the level of the neuronal plaque.
Particularly we hope to receive the recent works to have a better approach of the specificity or the complementary of the mathematic concept about the weird or harmonically (11) with the architects and the heterochronies of the development (12) the creator order’s processes, the relation between the molecular constitution of the DNA and the emergence of forms.
From the BIOLOGY to the CULTURE:
The Universe created first the inert matter, and then the alive matter and more recently the thinking matter. Already, the alive matter, aquatic or worldly is in interrelation with the middle, we know since a long time that it’s acting on the constituting of the atmosphere, the ground, the down ground of the earth crust. That is the same for the thinking matter, we have to consider how the Homo-Sapiens Sapiens influence maybe on the mental, individually, the motor of the evolution in the endogen process and, indirectly, we have to understand how it influence the motor of the evolution by an hexogen process by modifying, collectively the ecosystem. Culturally, we can show how individually and collectively we are responsible of the future of the humanity in its biodiversity. More globally according to the historian experts, the civilisations seem to progress when they have a challenge to raise, the one of the forest for the south American’s civilization, the one of the desert for the Egyptian civilization originate from the region where the Nil begin; on the other hand, the base action of the politics is driving the humanity to the end. As Jacques RUFFIE writes so well “The human specie is the only one able to destroyed itself. The eventuality of the collective suicide is the last misfortune of the cultural evolution.” And on the page 93 “that’s the planetary altruism which could save the humanity from the collective suicide”(14).
Real: We organized a trip (*) to Perpignan with a group of children, 11 years old, coming from three communities in conflict (Bosnians, Croats and Serbians) in the moment of the Mediterranean games of 93, we integrated them in two public and private secondary schools of the city, the welcoming families as the teachers were really surprise by the vitality, the intellectual maturity, the boldly to go for walks in our city, 100 000 inhabitants, and their schooling advanced, they were in the middle of the war, they knew the exodus, a lot didn’t have news anymore from their father : engaged, in jail or dead, sometimes, they were born from mixed marriage with the psychological wrench that we can imagine.
By doing this multi confessional cultural program, I believe that we’re not out of our subject, the war with the implicated psychological pressures are stimulating the reflection, the adaptation process.
The war is not the solution and only a good cultural development, the multiplications of exchanges, the circulation of the information are an opportunity for a consciousness of the stakes for the humanity and the surfacing of a global lasting solution.
As the underdevelopment cause a runs about demography, on the other hand, we have the statistic proof that the improvement of the way of life curbs the demography.
We’ll develop the notions of genetic and /or cultural altruism, of socialization, integration, of participation, of a “well-known situation” in the society, the mutual respect and the dignity to promote the cultural evolution, the communication, the motivation, the imagination, the creativity, the mediation, the surfacing of the intuition, human genius in a big part of the population.
KOHLER at the beginning of the century already noted that the chimpanzees in their environment were not using all their psychic possibilities. By raising the experimental compelling, the selective pressure was obligated the chimpanzee to use all their psychic faculties, the animal was showing his creativity and invention. “The progress implies a selective pressure: to improve their performances, they have to be motivated by a need”. For the humans, the solution is: a well-known place for everyone in the society, a collective ambition, a common project: the safeguard of a garden called “EARTH”.
Which degree of degradation of the EARTH do we have to reach to make the peoples understand the danger for the humanity and the necessity of their solidarity in their engagement to push the politics deciders and the heads of the multinationals, for a reel decision to manage in the way of the United Nations’ and the Non Governmental Organisations’ recommendations, published in the text: Agenda 21?
According to the Institute for the Peace of Stockholm, the military researches known by the world are four times more expensive than the cost of the medical researches.
Globally, the environmental pressure’s threshold of the entire field possible has to participate to the mutations launching of mutations. Successive stress and diverse origins could participate to the mutation of the Homo sapiens sapiens. Example of scenario: In the Middle Ages, the malnutrition and epidemic could provoke the inherent phenomenon of mutation, an astronomic event certainly took over, and environmental causes seem to accelerate this process those last decennia.
That’s time for the scientific world to mobilize and assert that the equitable development is a lasting solution to use as soon as possible to have the necessaries resources to raise the biggest challenge of the humanity, the responsibility of the developing countries’ leaders as the one of the richest countries is engaged.
To the promoters of the “symmetry” favourite place of the xenophobia, that is time for the scientific world to understand an other evidence, the mix of all the peoples of the earth reinforces the genetic potential and we understand easily that it is the only process which has the capacity to regulate, in a lasting and human way the mutation of the HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS. “The third proposition of the racism, which is trying to forbid the half-caste and to come back on pure races, monomorphes, is fallacious … The advantage for the human is, on the contrary, his genetic polymorphism, that kept the characteristic of a wild animal, and that is astonish: he stayed young … On a biologic plan, the racism is going through the degenerating of the humanity.”(13) P.146.
If the skullmetry manifests a destabilization since more than hundred years with a speeding up observed today by the dentists surgeons and the stomacologist doctors, a fine analyse of the posture, the spinal column, the pelvises sphere and of the pelvis, has to confirm the beginning of a destabilization.
In this new perspective, the obstetricians and orthopaedists surgeons will, maybe, recognized changing that were ignored, unexplained or dissociated before, through their clinical experiences, clinical reports, radiographic pictures and more recently, ultrasounds, scanner and I.R.M…In fact, if the inherent motors of the evolution has to be search in the neuronal level (16), the heterochronies of the development could show us, or a morphologic for some patient (ex: the measures of the sup. and inf. strait), or in the embryogenese, the development of the foetus and/or the new born. Does the chronology know the perceptible variations? Is the proportion of premature babies growing up? The causes or consequences could be reinterpreted by different interveners already mentioned (?) we can add the osteopaths, paediatricians, general doctors, dentist surgeons, the speech therapist, orthodontists, ophthalmologists, opticians, pedopsychiatrist, feet specialists, psychomotricians?
We understand how the efficiency of this methodology will be proportional to the quality, to the intensity and to the permanence exchanges between the fields.
We ask to the different fields the works and publications that your reflection in correlation with the theme of this scientific project: the endogens and exogenesis process, motors of the human specie’s evolution. We will confront the answers in each field with the principles of the osteopathy.
We situate ourselves as a supplementary step in the process of reflection engaged by the colloquium organized in the department “Val de Marne” of the 26 of May 1999 “About the human identity» by M. Philippe ANDRIEUX, M.Djillali HADJOUIS and Madam Anne DAMBRICOURT-MALASSE by the general council of “Val de Marne” and the Association for the investigation and the archaeological publications of “Val de Marne”.
We will do a synthesis divided in different groups by scientific fields and we will employ a scientific and qualified assistants, with the help of local institutions, the association “Two Hands for Tomorrow” is preparing itself in 2001 to organize a colloquium in 2002/2003 in the department of “Orientals Pyrenees”. We will invite all the scientific researchers and surgeons who participated to this scientific investigation.
In fact, we might arrive in the maximum of the flexion of the skull-base and the system still seems to move, but in which way will it go? Discovering and new interrogations of the researchers are taking us in for questioning, they are motivating our enthusiasm to make you share them and answer to your curiosity with all the exactness implied by the challenge: the becoming of the humanity in the respect and for the well being of the multitude.
* A.BOURNET, founder president (1986) of the Association “Two Hands For Tomorrow” organisation of the first multiethnic cultural program for the children of the Balkans in may 93 during the Mediterranean games. Registered office: 68, rue Maréchal Foch 66000 Perpignan (France) Author: Alain Bournet, founder president. Graduate in Osteopathy and Posturology by the University of Palermo (16/09/2000). Thanks: to the team of “Val de Marne” for the nice reception they did to this project and their encouragements.
(1) Bernard Darraillans :
Author mate with CLAUSADE M.A of “Aetiology of SADDAM” -CDP N°62,23-36, 1988
(2) Bernard Darraillans :
Author mate with CLAUSADE M.A of “The Osteopathy’s Concept of theocclusion” 1989 and of “the man, the skull, the teeth” S.E.O.O. Editor,Perpignan 1991
(3) Anne Dambricourt-Malassé :
In charge of the research for CNRS/ Human Palaeontology Institute of thelaboratory of natural history of the national prehistoric museum.Archaeologist adviser of the foreign Office minister.
(4) Marie- Josèphe Deshayes :
“Skull-facial’s and orthodontia’s Growth “ MASSON ed, Paris, 1986 & “The skull-facial’s morph genesis” CD-ROM.SID ed., Paris
(5) Djillali Hadjouis :
Doctor in palaeontology and paleoanthropologist in the Archaeology departmental laboratory of the “Val de Marne”.
Autobiography-published by the author, Kirsville, MO, 1897
(7) Sutherland W.G.
“The cranial bowl” Mankato, Freepress, 1939
(8) Djillali Hadjouis
“The medieval population of the “Val de Marne. Skull-facial Disharmonies, Buccal’s and dental’s diseases and anomaly of the dental development during The Middle Ages”. Artcom’ed., Paris, 172p.
(9) Yves Copens
Member of the Institute, Teacher at the “College de France”, rostrum of paleoanthropology and of prehistory.
(10) Mickael Grob
“The double Game of a protein” the Investigation n°321 June 1999
“New look on the origin of the human” the Investigation n° 286, April 1996
(12) Jean Chaline, Didier Marchand
“When the evolution changes the time of the being”, the Investigation n°316,January 1999
(13) Jacques Ruffié
“From the biology to the culture” Champs Flammarion, 1983
(14) Th.Dobzhansky
Seminary at the “College de France”, 25 of November, 1974.
(15) Michel Clauzade, Jean-Pierre Marty
“Orthoposturodonty S.I.D. ed., Paris 1998, 232p.
(16) A.Dambricourt-Malassé, Jean-Pascal Martin, Eric de Kerviler
Acts of the Coll. “About The Human Identity” v Artcom’ 2000 ed.Paris
(17) A.Dambricourt-Malassé
“The damned legend of the 21st century. The error of Darwin”ed. La Nuée Bleue/DNA, Strasbourg,2000.
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