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Born in the Orientals Pyrenees down of the Canigou’s Hill which dominates the plain of Roussillon, the Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest became at the conference of the United Nations for the environment and the Development of RIO 92 in the Global Forum, a tool of diffusion and promotion of the “sustainable development” as a worldly scale event.
Il faut appeler les choses par leur nom, ceci est véritablement un acte politique et le camp est bien défini, la reconnaissance et la prise en compte systématique de la Personne Humaine et des plus petits, dans leur vie quotidienne, dans le respect de leur environnement et dans tous les projets de société.
We have to speak about the things frankly, this is a real politic act, and the side chosen is clear, the social recognizing and the systematic attention to the human being, to the smallest, in the life of everyday, in the respect of the environment, in all the projects of the society.
Together, with the web surfers and the Legally Binding Action of the Universal Interest, we will reunite the conditions for the adoption of a professional, social and familial attitude with responsibility and mutual respect, in France, in Europe, in the world, the societies, the corporations, for the leaders and families. Our children, in our grey buildings, more and more the victims of individual behaviours and egoism, take the advantage on the fact that we have to give them a favourable atmosphere and a harmonious development. Problems in school, drugs, alcoholism, ill-treat on the children, delinquency, divorces in a conflict or friendly indifference, all those scourges are not a fatality “ we all have the possibility, individually, to act on the way of the world”.
The Universal Article gives to everyone the way to take an engagement in a same outburst in the community of the web surfers to reinforce by an International mobilization’s feeling.
* GLOBAL FORUM: At the same time of the governmental conference of RIO 1992, was organized a forum for the Non-governmental Organization of the world, to help the recommendations for the safety of the planet to be stronger.
Our society is in crisis because it is divided, it increase the specialisation, separate the social groups, compartmentalize the generations: there is the over-sixties and the others, the unemployed and the one who works for two, the working world in one side, the University one in the other side.
The systematic and hermetic separation cannot slow down the negative tendency that we know: delinquency, assistance, demotivation, nervous breakdown and barbiturate. In the colloquium, the doctors can’t keep doing to “listen to themselves”, idem for the theology’s professors, liberal workers, store manager, craftsman, state employee, the “communicators in round”.
Each of those specialities is a rock of the edifice “CIVILIZATION”. We are all the architects. We have to fine the main idea common to the society and the individuate. It an emergency to strengthen the relations which are participating to the solidarity of this construction which is growing up everyday if we don’t want to see it fall in only one generation. For this, we have to agree with Universal common values: The Conventions and Declaration united in the Universal Article.
Mesdames, Messieurs , the members of the parliament or government, elected by the people, you have the power that the men and women of this country gave you, adopt this decree, it is to put a tiger in the motor of the fifth republic to snatch it from to get bogged down in the third lighten millenaries and propel it with daring innovation trust.
At Tautavel, as a symbol, the biggest museum of the prehistory of Europe was unveiling the 17/07/92. During the summer 91, on this same site, a cycle of conferences was organized by the professor Henri de LUMLEY on the theme “The position of the Human in the history of the Universe”. In this way, Yves COPPENS, professor at the “College de France”, told us the story of Lucy:
Common ancestor of all the human being, she erases all the theories of the superior or minor (1) races. The ones that have a place here and doesn’t have one there (2)…
She justifies all the investments and investigations in this field. She was living three millions of years ago and in only two hundred years, from the capture of “la Bastille”, a 14 of July 1789, to the conferences of Rio in June 92, the humanity promulgates at the last minute the three golden rules that we can’t forget, indispensable to the survival of the human specie:
- "The Universal Declaration of the Human’s and Citizen’s Rights" en 1789
- "The Convention of the Child’s Rights" in 1989
- "The Declaration of RIO" in 1992
Two steps away from the abyss, women and men realise how to save the human, the way to follow to survive and ho to born again tomorrow.(3)
After Lucy, the Homo habilis, real biped, made the first tools in stone cut and gave his knowledge through the articulated language to the others. That is for those three criterions that the archaeologist gave her the title of human. His successor, the Homo erectus, perfected the tool, created the “biface” and conquered Asia and Europe. In this way, the man of Tautavel, the oldest European known, that the skull dates of 450 000 years before Jesus Christ was discovered in 1971. And, his descendant, the Homo sapiens sapiens elaborated the three conventions of the Universal Article as the three sides of a new cut stone. The delegated of the United Nations give us the way to live better, together, provided that we share those conventions with the multitude. “The knowledge is the heritage of the humanity”, said Louis PASTEUR.
With this new cut stone, the Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest becomes an amazing tool of diffusion and promotion.
(1) See in the program THE CAVALIERS FOR THE PEACE, the 1st multiethnic Cultural Program in Europe in 93 for the Bosnian, Croatian and Serbians children.
(2) “At the immigrates who come in! Bye to the money going away! It is easier to be mad at the weak who are arriving or who are already here, or even to the ones who are here since a long time, than to the powerful ones who are living!” Extract of: the economic horror, by Viviane Forrester, Fayard, 1997, p.142.
(3) See “Which birth for tomorrow?”
The English people inaugurated the concept, then, France took an engagement with the Declaration of the Human and the Citizen. Mr CHAMPION DE CICE wrote the final text, with 17 articles.
The Declaration of the Human’s Rights of the United Nations took a lot from it and France kept doing to take an important in the working out of the Conventions of the Child Rights, of the Declaration of RIO in 27 principles and the Convention on the Climate, from the French, Jean RIPERT.
At the time that in the world, so much women, men and children are oppressed, dreaming for their country of a democracy as the one we have in France. Historically the national feeling has to serve the fraternity and humanism. It is about our heritage, it gives sense to the life and to the companies: yes, the Legally Binding Action for the Universal Interest gives sense to the national action, with it, everyone will contribute to a better management of the material and cultural resort of our country (1)
(1) At the time that the economic field became bigger, the questions of ethic and socio cultural values, are coming up. Extract of the article: “TOUCHING THE FUTURE”, the diplomatic world, July 1997, by Mr René PASSET, professor at the University of Paris 1. Author of the economic and the alive, Economica, Paris (2nd edition).
At Rio, Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest was presented to the member of the GLOBAL FORUM. For each person that we met, it was welcome with respect and enthusiasm, their signatures are on the petition of the first project (1). |
At Sao Paulo, we visited the ECO BRASIL,
huge forum for the first exposition of
companies and industries that choose
the way of the “sustainable development”
with the respect of the environment (2).
In the different field of activity, all the firms could improve their turnover: 25 up to 40% per year.
So, that’s possible, the sustainable development can bring money but they are not enough to work with those criterions.
This decree will change deeply the behaviours for the next years, because it is recommend, encouraged, put up, taught in fairness.
(1), Letter of Mr.STRONG
of the Congress of the Earth, charged by the United Nations to take care of the organization of RIO 92.
(2) The lasting development is defined by all the recommendations collected in the Agenda 21, a 600 pages document summarized in the Agenda 21
The Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest is the three-faces-tool of the Homo Sapiens (modern human), growing up through five guiding principles way.
1-The administration recommends the mention of the Universal Article for every citizen, in every moment of a signature for a wedding, professional, in business, work, insurance contract, for a financial, asking for credit, an notary act or marital status, association and charters. By this way, everyone contributes, efficiently to make the high idea of the participative democracy growing up. Engage yourself solemnly for the democracy.
On the view of the failure of the 2nd Congress of the Earth of 97,it won’t be a lasting development if the Universal Article is not recommend in the field of the industry, finance, working code, tourism, leisure activities (dancing clubs, bars…), from the amateur sport to professional ones.
Ex: For the one, sitting down on the top of his tower, heaps of diplomas, speculating coldly on the price of the foodstuffs, driving to the famine and desolation for a hundred thousand of our brothers living at some hours away from us by chartered planes.
Ex: Because of new kinds of contracts, coming from the USA and England, and already arriving in Europe, the employee, working part time has to be entirely available for the employer who can phone at any moment to come to work for one or two hours and this many time in a day (“Zero hours working”).
Ex: In the field of tourism, leisure activities it is indispensable to make award the organizers and the beneficiaries if we want to avoid the fact that those activities become different than the human being interest, the lasting development and Local and Native Cultures.
Ex: In the field of sport an awareness to organizers and actors is indispensable to protect the young people from an over training, negative for the development and the growth. That could be use in the field of doping too.
2- The legislator will reward its using by a national label “In conformity with the French Ethic”.
3- To put up: The Badges of the Democracy, the Universal Declaration of the Human’s Rights of 1948, the Convention of the Child’s Rights of 1989, the Declaration of RIO and the modalities to speak to the European Commission of the Rights of the Human put up in the administrations, local and regional communities, in the school, to let the maximum of people know them.
4- It will not be with lasting effects if all the aspects of this decree were not taught at school, in an evolving and progressive way, at every level of the education system, in the professional studies, in the high schools, proportionally to the level of diplomas.
5- At last, qualify again the “French” Rights of the Man and change it for the Rights of the Human being. Let’s clean this sexist and old-fashion vocabulary to refresh our institutions. It is time for the women and the men of this country take a commitment together for the human progress, here and now.
Everyone will discover how its use, by its consequences, is clearly up of the common sense of the individual action. To organise a multi ethnic cultural program with Croats, Muslim, Serbs children, in the middle of an ethnic war, nobody believed it, the last conditions were known only 48 hours before their arrival (1 year of work, more than 250 local, national and international sponsors for a team composed of M. Milinovic from the Ministry of the Culture of Zagreb and of M. Bournet of the Association Two Hand For Tomorrow, France.
The day before my departure for the Mission of Peace in Belgrade, on the 11 of January 93, the bombing of the United States on the airport of the capital had dissuaded all my guests to come with me (11) or to be represented.
Today, the “economic horror” is more unpredictable, less “explosive”, nevertheless, the stakes are the same in the medium term. The struggle for the happiness of the future generations and the sustainable development doesn’t have to wait anymore:
This action of voluntarism, easy to reach by the maximum of people has to start now WEB SURFERS TAKE YOUR PEN and write the Universal Article in your contracts.