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Universal Article



The approach



Official text
Rio 1992

 METHOD OF APPROACH : The 5 Guiding Principles of the Decree’s Proposal.


  1. To Recommend:
    In the fields of culture, social work, health, leisure, associations, insurance: in relation to national and local government, chambers of Commerce and agriculture, trade associations, Commercial Registers, city or district council, insurance companies – the proposed law would oblige local government officials, at the time of legal registration of any agreement, to call to the attention of the signatories the clause known as "the universal Article" referring to the three United Nations conventions, and to recommend to them that they should include the text of the universal Article in the document to be registered.

  2. To Encourage:
    In relation to national and local government, chambers of commerce and agriculture, trade associations, commercial registers, local associations and insurance companies, the proposed (law) reward signatories who include the “Universal Article” in any legal agreement, contract, statute or charter by placing a national seal of approval on these texts indicating that they are “In compliance with French ethical standards”.

  3. To put up:
    The Badges of the Democracy, the Universal Declaration of the Human’s Rights of 1948, the Convention of the Child’s Rights of 1989, the Declaration of RIO and the modalities to speak to the European Commission of the Rights of the Human put up in the administrations, local and regional communities, in the school, to let the maximum of people know them.
    The “Universal Article” may not be used in the following areas: in the manufacturing and sale or purchase of arms, ammunition, hunting equipment or radio-active products, or in any other activity defined as harmful by Ethics Committee, which will give rulings in the case of legal action, if required to do so by the State Prosecutor.

  4. To Educate: (in both private and state educational establishments)
    We have to educate young people from the very earliest age so as to create the conditions for human progress by creating awareness at all levels of the educational system.
    1. A/Primary Education:
      1st. year – The concept of preservation of the Environment.
      2nd. Year – Instilling the concept of the common ancestry of all human being (HOMO Habilis, HOMO Erectus, etc.)

      B/ Secondary Education:

      6th. Grade – Information about the United Nations and the Declaration of the Human Rights.
      5th. Grade _ Information about the United Nations and Declaration of Child’s Rights.
      4th. Grade _ Information about the U.N. and the Rio Declaration.
      3rd. grade _ Information about the “Guidelines for Agenda 21”.
      2nd. Grade _ Information about the European Convention of the Right of the Human Being.
      1st. grade _ Information about Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest, the “Universal Article” and its use.
      Baccalaureate (High School Diploma) – candidates will be required to write out by heart the “Universal Article”.

      C/ Higher Education  

      All university courses leading to Bachelor degree or Master degree
      qualifications, Management School and Engineering School courses:
      detailed information about the “Guidelines for Agenda 21”, according to the discipline being studied.
      "Grandes écoles” (elite establishments), Administration National school, H.C.: a detailed study of Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest, its. Use and its philosophical, economic, social and humanistic implications. This subject, who would be imparted throughout the course, would be tested by a high-level examination

    The original United Nations “Declaration of the Rights of Man”(in The French Language) as the “Declaration of the Rights of the Human being.

    It is France’s responsibility in the eyes of the whole word to see to it that we rectify a situation in which a minority of French –speakers take shelter in the most restrictive interpretation of the “Rights of Man” to assert their hegemony over the so-called “weak sex”(women). The French language should not be abused to condone this situation, rather it is our duty to remove any trace of ambiguity and to restore true justice and equality.

Professionnal ethics code


Marianne stand up
