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Universal Article



The approach



Official text
Rio 1992

  The Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest:
A deontological code
resisting to the humans, frontiers and time.

Recommend by the Agenda 21 of the United Nations, the Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest is a universal vaccine for the humanity and the future generations. Thanks to Internet which is broadcasting it, this decree is an “Action” because the Universal Article is daily used by all the citizen of the world in fact it doesn’t have any juridical contraindication.

If the intervention of the laws goes on a vertical way, the one of the Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest, which is a deontological code, goes on a horizontal and transfrontier way. Encourage by the web surfers, the government impulses its multi-sector action in every level of the social, economic, administrative hierarchy.

In all the “recommended” fields, nothing and no one is able to make the Universal Article slow down, to jam it or turn it away. It cannot be used as a pretext of inculpation. First of all, this text rests on the honour and engages only the signatories towards the next generations. It is up of the laws and non subject to them, it will survive through the time because it is ‘intergenerational”, it doesn’t know any frontiers because it is based on the International right.
Mentioned in a contract, status, act or charter, the Universal Article cannot, by itself, be used as an argument or alibi in the case of a juridical conflict. The contracts, status or charters, which mention it, are, anyway, accessible to the law.

It is not about to saturate the court and the purpose is not to weaken our companies, on the contrary, when a citizen mention it in a contract, the Universal Article promote the dialogue the multi field consultation. That is the same between the companies and the local administrations, between the public and the administration, in every level of responsibility for the human progress and the lasting development in conformity with the engagements taken by the intergovernmental conference : Right of the child, Right of the human and scientific investigation of RIO 92.

The Five Guiding Principles


Marianne stand up
