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Universal Article



The approach



Official text
Rio 1992

Support from personalities and institutions

Salus populi suprema lex esto


Why ? Inhabitants of Europe and internauts of the whole world, it is high time we acted in favour of sustainable development, both for the world of today and that of our children, the men and women of the 21st. century. By mentioning the "Universal Article..." you can contribute to the emancipation of your local, national, and international socio-professional environment so that each person can make a commitment to support human rights and the tights of children in a healthy environment that is safeguarded for the future.

Who ? This appeal is addressed to everyone: private, citizens, workers, employees, heads of companies, associations, societies and corporations, shopkeepers, farm-workers, civl servants, mayors of towns and village, heads of local and regional councils, heads of state and heads of government of the republics, kingdoms and principalities of the world.

How ? We solemnly invite you to make voluntary mention of the "Universal Article ", whether individually, unilaterally of jointly, in private or company contracts, in employment, commercial, social, or professional contracts, insurance policies, bank loans, deeds of statutes, corporation or federation charters, and nationally in cultural, economic or industrial agreements.


Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest is the ethical code conceived in 1991 by the Deux Mains Pour Demain association. Endorsed by Agenda 21, it constitutes an effective and viable method for promoting the dialogue urgently called for at the Earth Summit (Rio '92) so as to bring about without delay the conditions for Sustainable Development. The perceived failure of the June '97 summit, the U.S. refusal in 1998 to cease production of antipersonnel mines, the war waged by the Russians in Chechnya, the October '99 decision by the U.S. senate to resume nuclear testing, and the recent failure of the December '99 Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle - all of these events show that the signing by Heads of State of United Nations conventions is not enough to ensure that their provisions will actually be applied- something which is vital to the mediums-term future of humanity.


In these violent closing years of the millennium, marked by focal points of conflict on all continents, it is our duty to attempt to restore the economic, ecological and educational balance in a sprit of respect for the equality of women and men, and for the welfare of the world's children. "Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest", also known as the "Citizen' Contract", is an excellent way of working towards this aim before we reach the point of no return. The Universal Article can act a sort of democratic relay, being passed from hand to hand in the form of the contracts in which it would be included.

This is the sort of SOCIAL VACCINATION that we envisage to work towards an economy based on faired, more equitable and more durable progress. Download the card below and keep it in your wallet, so that you will have it constantly on your person in order to copy out the "Universal Article" onto any document in the presence of those due to sign it, whether it be local, regional or national level.

 You will find below two versions of the card referred to. The first is intended for use by citizens of the European Union, since it refers to the European Convention of human Rights, which is legally recognized by all member states, whilst the second is intended for the contract out of the Europe. You can download onto your computer a document in Word or Rtf format so as to print the relevant card the same size as a visiting-card, easily kept in a wallet or handbag.



Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest

All signatories of any contract, statute, civil action, legal action or charter, whether they represent an individual citizen, an association,
a company, or an entity of regional or national government, shall include in the document to be signed, either unilaterally or together, the following clause, hereinafter referred to as the

"Universal Article"

‹‹ Universal Article
Before reaching any decision or subsequently applying any course of action, the signatory/signatories undertake to act in respect of and in accordance with the "European Convention of Human Rights" of 3 May 1974 and the "Convention of the Rights of Children" of 20/11/89, and to act in the sprit of the "Rio Declaration" on the Environment and Sustainable Development adopted in June 1992.››

THE LEGAL REGISTRATION of this document before the courts of Perpignan (France) dated 27 May 1991, updated in 1992, authorizes its printing, copying and distribution without right or privilege.


Legally Binding Action of Universal Interest

All signatories of any contract, statute, civil action, legal action or charter, whether they represent an individual citizen, an association,
a company, or an entity of regional or national government, shall include in the document to be signed, either unilaterally or together, the following clause, hereinafter referred to as the

"Universal Article"

‹‹ Universal Article
Before reaching any decision or subsequently applying any course of action, the signatory/signatories undertake to act in respect of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the U.N.O." of 10 December 1948, and in accordance with the "Convention of the Rights of Children" of 20/11/89, and to act in the sprit of the "Rio Declaration" on the Environment and Sustainable Development adopted in June 1992.››

THE LEGAL REGISTRATION of this document before the courts of Perpignan (France) dated 27 May 1991,updated in 1992, authorizes its printing, copying and distribution without right or privilege.


Support from personalities and institutions